

A Farewell to Mr. Du (原创天地)  6165次阅读

作者: 金二 @, 发表于: 2020-03-16 (1520天前)


A Farewell to Mr. Du
By Wang Bo

I'm so sad to see you're leaving
for the five river area amongst the far away mist and dust
While I still remain here in the capital city
surrounded by all the walls and posts

Adding to the sad feeling is the fact that
we are both already being away from our hometowns

But knowing that somewhere out there lives a friend like you
comforts my heart and soul
The long distance of separation is nothing to us
cuz we are spiritually bonded so closely
which feels just like you are living next door

So let's be upbeat
and hold off bursting into tears like a teenager
at the final parting moment

(雨斤 译)



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