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雅歌兄,我非常敬佩你的deep知识和助人为乐的精神。 但是,如果有10万元的资本可以轻松一个月稳赚5千到8千元的说法我觉得不对。 It is correct in your example for UWTI and DWTI from 7/5/16 to 8/17/16. There were 31 trading days from 7/5 to 8/17. Now let's look at 11/19/15 (shorting day) and 1/6/16 (covering day) (also 31 trading days): UWTI 68.70 30.40 The gain for shorting UWTI was 1 - 30.40/68.70 = 55.7% DWTI 135.90,251.85 The gain for shorting DWTI was 1 - 251.85/135.90 = - 85.3% (loss) So in this case, the total was a big loss. There are many other examples like this. For example, the 4/6/16 -5/19/16 period (also 31 trading days). I am afraid that the overall gain using this approach is generally less than the interest charged on the margins. (谈股论金)  842次阅读

作者: investor101 @, 发表于: 2016-08-19 (2854天前) @ 雅歌


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