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其實上面警告已寫的很清楚:3倍ETF是高风险的股票炒作,单日可以涨跌高达30%!炒作者最好自行斟酌是否合适,新手最好避开! 2017 Christmas time, I bought too much UGAZ (in fact at the right time), one week should have won over $10,000, but it started drop a little bit, so I set a stop sell to avoid big loss and went to lunch, after lunch I came back, the stop sell triggered,I loss couple of thousand dollars, the second day, UGAZ started rising. I got some lessons: 1. GAS stocks are too much manipulated by MMs 2. Novels should not buy 3x stocks 3. even you buy, do not heavily invest in For the last two years, I never buy 3x again! (谈股论金)  626次阅读

作者: Gemi888 @, 发表于: 2018-11-05 (2041天前) @ xiaozheng


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