
这首歌我没听过,也听不懂什么意思,可这旋律和曲调却能深深地打动我。老乔治唱的也绝对棒!!!我特意去网上找,找到Andrea Bocelli 的,听的一样无限感动。 (我是歌手)  228次阅读

作者: 小活 @, 发表于: 2016-06-23 (2882天前) @ 老乔治



向老乔治请教下,这歌词是西班牙语?您咋学的?就是纯模仿?有没有模仿版拼音歌词? :P


According to Velázquez herself, she wrote this song even though she had never been kissed yet at the time and kissing, as she heard, was considered a sin.

She was inspired by the piano piece "Quejas, o la Maja y el Ruiseñor" from the 1911 suite Goyescas by Spanish composer Enrique Granados, which he later also included as Aria of the Nightingale in his 1916 opera of the same name.

There are slight differences in the wording at the end of the chorus, regarding the words perderte después meaning "to lose you afterwards". Considering that Velázquez may have been fifteen years old when she wrote the song, this sentence reflects inexperience and innocence. Indeed, a video from "TV Mexicana"[4] shows Consuelo Velázquez playing the piano while the singer sings perderte después. Many interpretations use perderte otra vez ("lose you once again") instead of the original perderte después ("lose you afterwards").

The line "Besame mucho, que tengo miedo a perderte después" means "Kiss me a lot, as I am afraid of losing you afterwards." The word "mucho" may suggest a desire for the kiss to linger, as it may be the couple's last time being together.

An English-language version of the song was written by Sunny Skylar. The lyrics are different from the direct English translation of the original, but retain the Spanish Bésame mucho.

"Bésame Mucho" is also known by translated names such as "Kiss Me Much," "Kiss Me a Lot," "Kiss Me Again and Again," "Embrasse-moi fort," "Stale Ma Bozkavaj," "Suutele minua", "Szeretlek én" and "Mara beboos".


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